Episode 38
Felicia and Ryon play Alundra.
This is part 2 of a two-part playthrough. Part 2 is Episode 37. They decided to do a two-parter because the game ended without saving, and they wanted to see more of it.
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- Episode 38 -
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Alundra | |
Platform | PlayStation |
Published | Working Designs, 1998 |
Credits | |
Hosts | Felicia Day Ryon Day |
Director | Sean Becker |
Executive producers | Felicia Day Sheri Bryant |
Editing | Andrew Jewell |
Graphics | Steven Sprinkles |
Music | Jason Charles Miller |
Production assistant | Annie Liu |
Stats (as of January 12, 2020) | |
First aired | March 17, 2014 |
Duration | 15:36 |
Views | 95,806 |
Likes | 2,535 |
Comments | 131 |
Ryon: "So we were pulled off of our ship which was faulty because the guy just didn't fix the hole in the wall. Didn't fix the crack in the wall."
Felicia: "He's like, 'Later.'"
Ryon: "That's what you get for picking up sailors in front of Home Depot, okay. You just don't do it. Don't do it."
Ryon: "So in our last exciting episode—"
Felicia: "—we were trapped in Jess's house."
Both singing to tune of Jessie's Girl: "We were- Jess's house! Da-da-da-da-da."
Felicia: "Try to blow that up. That looks blowable."
Felicia, about monkeys swarmed around Lyman: "What are they doing? Are they pleasuring him or torturing him? I can't tell."
Ryon, while riding mine cart: "Stop this crazy thing!"
Felicia: "Put the bomb in the actual right place. You can bomb that cottage cheese out of the way. It's a cauliflower head."
Felicia: "Can I get through here?"
Ryon: "No, you gotta go back."
Felicia: "No, I don't want to go back! Just— Just climb! Just climb! Alundra, you can do it! It's not even that high!"
Ryon: "His clown shoes can't get purchase. He's not a boulderer obviously."
Ryon, in child's voice: "Mommy, can we go on the mine cart ride again? That was fun!"
Felicia, as mother: "What about the fucking teacup?"
Ryon: "Ugh."
Felicia: "Ugh."
Ryon: "The worst."
Felicia, entering mine cart with enemies on the tracks: "Watch this."
Ryon: "See ya, shit lord! See ya, shit lord! I think it's like a universal law that any game with a mine has to have a mine cart ride."
Ryon: "Alright, what's the sign— [singing] What does the sign say?"
Felicia makes falsetto yipping sounds
Ryon, regarding Billy Zane: "Was Titanic his high-water mark?"
Ryon, as Alundra gets out of mine cart: "Alright, Alundra. Did you have fun buddy? Let's get back in line. Get on the ride again. Whee!"
Felicia: "It's like when little kids wanna do the same thing over and over. 'You wanna be swung up again? Wow, okay.'"
Ryon: "Ya know, there is something to be said, like as an adult, wouldn't you really want a giant to pick you up? Right? You can feel me, right? You feel me, right?"
Felicia, laughing: "I want us to Photoshop a picture of huge, giant Billy Zane throwing adult you up."
Ryon: "Yeah, right!?"
Felicia, as Ryon opens chest: "Oh, herb."
Ryon: "I love it. I love it. It's like Cheech and Chong: The Video Game."
Ryon: "God, I love this game."
Felicia: "Why is it so good? You know why we've been liking it so much this session? Because we haven't interacted with any townsperson."
Felicia, reading Jess's dialog: "'Oh dear, Alundra.' This guy's so clingy! He's the worst bear date ever!"
Felicia: "I'd like to buy some things, with— [singing] I'm gonna get some herbs."
Ryon, singing: "I've got 20 gilders in my pocket. I'm gonna buy some herbs."
Ryan Copple: "In the mean time, I would stop mowing things."
Ryon: "But we got stuff. It was for a purpose. Everything happens for a reason, RyCo."
Ryon, reading Jess's dialog: "'Take the flowers to [Olen]—' Is he trying to set us up on a date?"
Ryan Copple: "Olen's the dead guy."
Ryon: "Oh. Necrophilia?"
Felicia: "I'm gonna take a shit right here. Is that respect?"
Felicia, reading: "'Saint Green says… "Brown respects my teaching—"'"
Ryon, laughing: "So you are supposed to shit there."
Ryon: "Did you know that if Saint Blue and Saint Red they give birth to Saint Purple?"
Felicia: "Alright, well I wanna watch that after we finish this puzzle."
Felicia: "I think Brown is on the bottom, because it's a little shitty color."
Ryon: "A whole Washington state herb farm"
Felicia: "3 clingy villagers' thumbs up out of 3"
Cue points
0:00 | "This week" preview |
0:13 | Opening theme |
0:22 | Host intro |
1:25 | Game begins |
5:51 | "What the sign says of the week" |
15:26 | End card/promo |
15:34 | Closing theme |
15:36 | End video |
External links
- Alundra Part 2 - Retro Let's Play: Co-Optitude Ep 38 on YouTube
- Alundra on Wikipedia
- Rick Springfield - Jessie's Girl (Official Video) on YouTube
- George Jetson on Wikipedia - character whose catchphrase is "Jane, stop this crazy thing!"
- Bouldering on Wikipedia
- Mad Tea Party on Wikipedia - aka "the teacup ride"
- Ylvis - The Fox (What Does The Fox Say?) (Official music video HD) on YouTube
- Billy Zane on Wikipedia
- Cheech & Chong on Wikipedia
- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Thrift Shop feat. Wanz (Official Video) on YouTube - the "20 gilders in my pocket" reference
- The Sixth Sense on Wikipedia