Episode 43
Felicia and Ryon play LEGO Marvel Super Heroes.
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- Episode 43 -
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LEGO Marvel Super Heroes | |
Platform | Xbox One |
Published | Warner Bros Interactive Entertainment, 2013 |
Credits | |
Hosts | Felicia Day Ryon Day |
Director of cinematography | Omer Ganai |
Executive producers | Felicia Day Sheri Bryant |
Editing | Andrew Jewell |
Graphics | Steven Sprinkles |
Music | Jason Charles Miller |
Production assistant | Annie Liu |
Stats (as of January 12, 2020) | |
First aired | April 28, 2014 |
Duration | 13:27 |
Views | 170,003 |
Likes | 4,348 |
Comments | 439 |
Ryon: "I'll bet all of you don't even have X-bones yet."
Felicia: "I gave you yours for Christmas."
Ryon: "Oh, aren't you a fucking saint? What do you have to act so sanctimonious in front of the camera for?"
Felicia: "Well, I'm just telling you I just want credit for—"
Ryon, mocking: "'Mnyeh mnyeh mnyeh!'"
Felicia: "I just want credit for giving you a really good Christmas gift!"
Ryon, mocking: "'I'm so niiiice! I'm so nice!'"
Ryon: "The good thing about playing a new game that not everybody has is that they don't know if we're full of shit yet if we don't like it."
Felicia: "It's true. If we're totally incompetent they might think, oh, that's just how the game is."
Ryon: "And yet, we might be totally incompetent and yet better than many of you who have not played it yet."
Felicia: "Yeah! We are better than you because you never experienced it, so we're incrementally better just from the experience of it."
Felicia: "Here, come here. [throws bus] BOOM!"
Ryon: "How do you miss somebody with a bus?"
Ryon: "Mister Sandman, I'm gonna bring you a dream."
Felicia, as Hulk: "Hulk no know what to do. Hulk just dance. [singing] The hills are alive with the sound of music."
Ryon: "Oh, Nick Fury got a Jamba Juice of his own."
Felicia: "What flavor Jamba Juice you think Nick Fury—"
Ryon: "Grapeulous Maximus. I don't know."
Ryon: "I'll bet that the exposed stud on the top of their head is an erogenous zone. What do you think?"
Felicia, laughing: "You just stroke it."
Ryon: "Like he rocks out with his stud out."
Felicia: "Well no, I bet they have an appliance that you can like go—"
Ryon, making vibrating noise: "Rwrrrrrrr!"
Felicia: "Like sex toys attached to it."
Ryon: "I'll bet that the ladies really like Mr. Fantastic."
Felicia: "Look at me with my grotesque limbs! It just— It really bothers me, guys."
Ryon: "The ladies like it. That's all I gotta tell ya. The ladies like it."
Felicia: "The ladies do not like it."
Ryon: "They do."
Felicia: "Okay, I just ruined all the computers, so you got nothing to work on anymore, guys. Are we supposed to be doing this?"
Ryon: "No, the carrier's going to go down in flames relatively soon."
Felicia, continuing to destroy computers: "Aren't these our friends? Why are they allowing us to ruin everything?"
Ryon, watching Mr. Fantastic turn into giant bolt cutters: "What? What are you doing? WHAT? No."
Felicia: "No, I hate him. I hate what I just did. It feels like I violated the world."
Ryon: "Hit it with your shield! Oh my god, you do know how to hit something with your shield, don't you?"
Felicia, laughing: "I'm trying! X."
Ryon: "Hold X. Are you really that dumb, or are you acting for the show? Because I think you're serious about being that dumb."
Felicia: "I can't see what's going on!"
Ryon: "Okay, you're Captain America, and you have a shield."
Felicia: "I know that, but I— Oh, there we go. There we go."
Ryon: "Oh my god. I'm just gonna sit and serve tea. [turns Mr. Fantastic into a teapot] [in Cockney accent] Anybo'y wan' a spo' ah tea? Anybo'y wan' a spo' ah tea?"
Ryon: "Get away, dumb character!"
Felicia: "God, I could play this game forever."
Ryon: "It's really good, except for you."
Felicia: "If I was alone it would be fine."
Ryon: "The worst part about this game is you."
Ryon: "And that's me. It's my time to shine."
Felicia: "What are you gonna be?"
Ryon: "Oh god, I'm gonna be something really gross. [watches Mr. Fantastic turn into a water pump] Ugh god, I'm pumping cum in there."
Felicia: "You're pumping! Ew! Jesus, don't pump!"
Ryon: "I'm pumping fluid in there. That's right. Ah, feels good. Now I need a cigarette. Okay."
Felicia: "Cap' just watched in disgust."
Ryon, laughing: "Cap' was just horrified."
Ryon: "What does a Lego man's keyboard look like?"
Felicia, flailing arms: "This is how I type! There's four letters on it. It's like fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist, fist."
Doctor Octopus: "Your cheap health plan doesn't cover office visits."
Ryon: "Or contraception."
Felicia, watching Spider-man put on his mask: "He just put a new head on. Did you see that? It wasn't a mask. It was the head."
Ryon: "Boy, if we could do that everyone would look like young Brad Pitt though, so—"
Felicia, laughing: "If everyone could transplant their heads, they'd all look like Angelina Jolie and young Brad Pitt."
Ryon: "There would be so many Brangelinas."
Felicia, seeing Black Widow: "She just pencils in a waist there. I'm gonna wear a shirt like that!"
Ryon: "I'm gonna chalk in some huge muscles."
Felicia: "Can't she get some plastic surgery and just drill out some plastic?"
Ryon: "Like a Dremel? A Lego plastic surgeon has a Dremel tool."
Felicia: "What does Black Widow do?"
Ryon: "Nothing. She just sits there and looks fiiine."
Ryon: "Let's build something."
Felicia: "Build something. I love how you say 'Let's build something' like it's some kind of catchphrase or something."
Ryon: "Catchphrase? Let's build something."
Felicia: "Yeah, it's like 'Let's build something.'"
Ryon: "Let's build this fucker."
Felicia, as Black Widow flips: "Okay, look. Go up the stairs. Just get off! Get off! Drop down, Black Widow! STOP FLIPPING! STOP FLIPPING! STOP FLIPPING!! God damn this woman!"
Felicia: "God, my suit is already latex. It doesn't need more goo on it, alright?"
Ryon, as Venom does jumpscare: "Ah. Oh scared. Okay."
Felicia: "You can't be scared with a Lego— There's no Lego horror movie. Like, Lego Resident Evil would not be that scary."
Felicia: "Venom, you have some issues, honey."
Ryon: "Venom, can't we talk this over?"
Felicia: "Venom. What does his apartment look like?"
Ryon: "I bet it's really clean."
Felicia: "Is it all white? Is it all white and Scandanavian?"
Felicia: "40,000 Lego bricks"
Cue points
0:00 | "This week" preview |
0:10 | Opening theme |
0:18 | Host intro |
1:29 | Game begins |
3:46 | "Lego Cosmo Sex Tip of the Week" |
9:06 | "Crack of the Week" |
13:08 | Rating and outro |
13:17 | End card/promo |
13:25 | Closing theme |
13:27 | End video |
External links
- LEGO Marvel Super Heroes - Let's Play: Co-Optitude Ep 43 on YouTube
- Lego Marvel Super Heroes on Wikipedia
- The Sound of Music - The Hills Are Alive on YouTube
- Jamba Juice on Wikipedia
- Brad Pitt on Wikipedia
- Angelina Jolie on Wikipedia
- Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act on Wikipedia - aka Obamacare
- Dremel on Wikipedia
- Resident Evil on Wikipedia